What’s in a Name?

Boroughs 2013 Novella Contest

Has the title of a song ever inspired you to write? We’re betting it has…and that you can take that title and make it your own.

We invite you to submit your 25,000-40,000 word, completed novella based on the title of a song – any song – that you adopt as the title of your story to: Submissions@BoroughsPublishingGroup.com no later than May 31st 2013.

Your submission MUST include a two paragraph synopsis of your story. The first round of voting will begin on June 10th 2013 and will be based upon your two paragraph synopsis so make it snap, crackle and pop.

First Round of Voting: By noon, PST, Monday, June 10th 2013 story titles and your synopsis will be posted ANONYMOUSLY on our website. Those that receive the top 25% of the vote in their sub-genre will be selected as SEMI-FINALISTS to go on to the…

Second Round of Voting: By noon PST, Monday, June 24th 2013 the story’s first 300 words (approximately 1 page) will be posted ANONYMOUSLY on our website for votes along with the title and the synopsis. In this phase, our Editors will weigh in and the top three vote-getting stories in each sub-genre will be selected as FINALISTS to go on to the…

Third Round of Voting: By noon PST, Monday, July 8th 2013, votes will be tallied one last time. The first 1,000 words (approximately 3-4 pages) of the story will be posted ANONYMOUSLY for consideration, along with the title and synopsis. The Winner of the WHAT’S IN A NAME contest will be announced at our Open House during the RWA national convention in Atlanta, Georgia (July 17th – 20th 2013) and we will have the results publicized on our website, FB page, Twitter feed and on Pinterest.


Beginning Monday, June 10th 2013, and for each phase of the contest, you and everyone you know should visit www.BoroughsPublishingGroup.com find the link to the WHAT’S IN A NAME contest, then cast your votes for stories that tickle your fancy and make you want more. You may vote for every story you like.


ALL FINALISTS will be offered:

  • A contract to have their story published and sold by Boroughs Publishing Group
  • A full editorial process to make their story shine

THE FINALIST with the most popular website votes will be offered:

  • A critique by an editor of a full-length manuscript submission to Boroughs, with a turn-around time of two months

THE WINNER, chosen from our FINALISTS by our editorial staff, will receive:

  • cover art specifically tailored to the story
  • a blog tour promoting your novella
  • A critique by our Editor-in-Chief of a full-length manuscript submissions to Boroughs, with a turn-around time of two months
  • 75% of the winning story’s net royalties

Sign up for contest results through our newsletter or check back whenever you like for results.

VISIT THE WEBSITE: http://www.boroughspublishinggroup.com/about/enews/february-2013-e-newsletter