Teen Ink has no staff writers; we depend completely on you to send writing, art, and photos. There is no charge to submit or be published. All submissions will be considered for publication in Teen Ink’s print magazine and website.

General Guidelines
  • All submissions of writing and artwork will be considered for publication in our monthly print magazine and on TeenInk.com, and are also automatically entered into any relevant contests.
  • Teen Ink has no deadlines. We accept submissions year round. If, however, you are sending work that is holiday-specific, please submit it at least two months ahead.
  • You must be 13 to 19 years old to be a TeenInk.com user and be published in Teen Ink magazine.
  • Requesting anonymity. If, due to the personal nature of a piece, you don’t want your name published, please check the anonymous box when submitting your work. We will respect your request and not publish your name in print or online, but we must still have accurate name and address information for every user.
  • All materials submitted become the property of Teen Ink. By submitting your work to us, you are giving Teen Ink and its partners, affiliates, and licensees the non-exclusive right to publish your work in any format, including print, electronic, and online media. However, all individual contributors to Teen Ink retain the right to submit their work for non-exclusive publication elsewhere, and you have our permission to do so. Teen Ink is copyrighted by the Young Authors Foundation, Inc.
  • Plagiarism. Teen Ink has a no-tolerance policy for plagiarism. We check the originality of all published work through WriteCheck.

How to submit, visit:  http://www.teenink.com/submit