The Tennessee Writers Alliance Creative Nonfiction Award
February 28th, 2007 Postmark Deadline
First Prize $500
Second Prize $250
Third Prize $100
The first, second, and third prizewinner will be selected from a short list of finalists. Honorable mentions will be named at judges’ discretion. Cash awards and certificates will be announced at our conference in June 2007. The judge this year is Richard Goodman, author of French Dirt: The Story of a Garden
in the South of France and a contributor to The AWP Writer’s Chronicle, the New York Times, Vanity Fair, and many other national publications.
Submission Guidelines
1. The contest is open to all writers with the exception of board members, contest committee members, or staff of the Tennessee Writers Alliance.
2. All submissions must be original and unpublished. All entries must be typed, double-spaced, on one side of white 8 1/2 X 11 inch paper. No simultaneous submissions. (See the FAQ on our site about this.) Secure pages with staples. No paper clips.
3. Creative nonfiction should not exceed 3,000 words.
4. Each piece of writing submitted will be considered as a separate entry.
5. Submit two copies of entry, plus one separate cover sheet with the title, author’s name, address, e-mail, and phone number. The author’s name MUST NOT appear anywhere except the cover sheet.
6. An entry fee must accompany each entry: $10 for TWA members; $15 for non-members.
Entries that do not meet these requirements will be disqualified, and the entry fee will NOT be refunded. We regret that we cannot acknowledge
the receipt of entries without a self-addressed, stamped postcard sent with entry, nor can we return manuscripts. However, we will be happy to send results of the competition, which will be announced in June, ONLY to those who include a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) with submission.
All entries must be postmarked no later than February 28, 2006.
Mail to:
TWA Literary Competition
P.O. Box 120396
Nashville, TN 37212
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