Octopus Magazine
Posts made in February, 2007
RUNES REVIEW 2007 Each issue of RUNES has a different theme. The theme for 2007 is CONNECTION, which may be loosely interpreted.
Thornton Writer Residency. Lynchburg College. An eight-week residency at Lynchburg College, including a stipend of $8,000, is awarded annually to a Fiction writer for the Fall term & a Poet for the Spring term. The writer-in-residence will teach a weekly Creative Writing workshop & present a public reading. Residency includes housing, meals, & roundtrip travel expenses. To apply for the Fall fiction residency, submit a published...
From the Vermont Studio Center: www.vermontstudiocenter.org We are pleased to announce the availability of new Fellowship opportunities at the Vermont Studio Center. The National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships (eligibility: artists and writers) New for 2007, the NEA will sponsor four Fellowships this year for outstanding painters, sculptors, writers, photographers, or printmakers who demonstrate clear financial need (applicants must submit...
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