The 2007 Devil’s Kitchen Reading Awards in Poetry and Prose The Department of English at Southern Illinois University Carbondale and GRASSROOTS, SIUC’s undergraduate literary magazine, are pleased to announce the 2007 Devil’s Kitchen Reading Awards. One book of poetry and one book of prose (novel, short fiction, or literary nonfiction) will be selected from submissions of titles published in 2006, and the winning authors will...
Posts made in February, 2007
The Writer Short Story Contest Prizes: $1,000, first place; $300, second place; $200, third place. The first-place entry, along with the finalist judge’s comments, will be published in The Writer magazine. All three winning entries will be posted on The Writer Web site, Entry fee $10 per entry, payable to The Writer. Payments must be in U.S. funds drawn from a U.S. bank. Deadline Postmarked by June 30,...
The Tennessee Writers Alliance Creative Nonfiction Award February 28th, 2007 Postmark Deadline First Prize $500 Second Prize $250 Third Prize $100 Full guidelines. The first, second, and third prizewinner will be selected from a short list of finalists. Honorable mentions will be named at judges’ discretion. Cash awards and certificates will be announced at our conference in June 2007. The judge this year is Richard Goodman, author of...
University of Nebraska at Kearney. English Special Professorship/Reynolds Chair in Creative Writing, University of Nebraska at Kearney. (Tenure-track) Special Professorship/ Reynolds Chair in Creative Writing. Duties include the following: Teach 2/2 load of writing classes in area(s) of expertise; present & perform at the intersessions of the University of Nebraska MFA program; help organize events to support the English department’s...
Old Dominion University. The Department of English is accepting applications from accomplished Poets, Fiction, writers, or Nonfiction writers for the Darden Endowed Chair in Creative Writing. The position is a continuing appointment to teach two classes or workshops at the graduate or undergraduate level in the fall semester of each year. Teaching experience is required, along with a distinguished publishing record (at least four books);...
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