The 2007 Virginia Brendemuehl Prize for Poetry
Virginia Merle Brendemuehl (1921-1999) dreamed of being a concert pianist in an era where
girlsespecially unmarried redheaded daughters off small town judgeswere expected to teach, accompany the local soloist, or playy organ in church. All of which she did, but with panache and a madcap zest for making music fun and culturally relevant. An ardent world traveler, patriot, and lifelong supporter of artists, she invested her passionate faith and talents in others, whether they be the children of foreign diplomats or heartland dairy farmers. She had perfect pitch. Loved bikinis and gaudy earrings. Eagerly anticipated familial pranks on her April Fool’s birthday. Mercurial, yet extravagantly generous, her persona may best be expressed by the family’s Yuletide slogan: “Yes, Santa, there
really is a Virginia.” To the end of life, she doted on guava juice, prayer, flamboyant clothing, and her two nieces and nephew, who joyfully endow this contest in her name.
First Place: $1,000 plus publication in Rock & Sling
Finalists: Publication in Fall 2007 Rock & Sling
Contest Deadline: July 31, 2007 postmark
Entry fee is $10.00 for three poems. You may enter as many groups of three as you like. Payment (check or money order please) must accompany submission.
Name, address, and phone number must appear in the upper right hand corner of each poem.
Poems will be judged based on literary quality and in consideration of our vision statement. We encourage entrants to visit our website to gain a sense of the kinds of poems we seek.
Poems that have been previously published or have received monetary awards are not eligible. Though Rock & Sling generally accepts simultaneous submissions with notification, we request no simultaneous submissions for the contest.
Manuscripts will not be returned.
Winners will be notified by September 1, 2007 and will be posted on our website thereafter. For notification of receipt of your manuscript, include a self-addressed, stamped postcard.
Return envelopes will be discarded; all manuscripts will be recycled, not returned.
Rock & Sling is not responsible for late, lost, or misdirected manuscripts. Submit poetry and
check or money order (U.S. funds) to:
The Virginia Brendemuehl Contest
Rock & Sling
P. O. Box 30865
Spokane, WA¦nbsp; 99223
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