Judge: David Hernandez


MANUSCRIPTS should include a title page with the author’s name, address, phone number, and e-mail address; an acknowledgment page listing previously published poems; a table of contents, 48­64 pages of original poetrry; and an SASE for reply or return of manuscript. Manuscripts should be unbound, typed, pages numbered, and name should appear on title page only. Clear photocopies and computer print-outs are acceptable. We will consider simultaneous submissions, but ask that you notify us if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere.

PRIZE: In addition to publication and the $1,000 cash prize, the winner also receives 25 copies and a foreword by the finalist judge.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all poets, with or without previous book publication. Students and friends of the judge are not eligible for this year’s competition.

$20 ENTRY FEE includes a copy of the winning book. All other proceeds go to the continuing publication of Pearl.

JUDGING: The selection of manuscripts for final judging will be made by the editors of Pearl. All entries are read anonymously.

SUBMISSION PERIOD: May 1 ­ July 15th postmark. The winner will be announced and manuscripts returned after the first of next year.

SEND SUBMISSIONS TO: Pearl Poetry Prize, 3030 E. Second Street, Long Beach, CA 90803; checks made payable to Pearl