Tribes Short Fiction Contest

Deadline September 15th 2007

1st Place
$500 and publication in A Gathering of the Tribes Magazine

2nd Place
$200 and publication on

3rd Place
$100 and publication on

Please mail all entries to:
A Gathering of the Tribes
Attn: Short Fiction Contest
PO Box 20693
Tompkins Square Station
New York, NY 10009

Winners will be notified and announcements posted on Tribes web Nov 1st 2007. Questions? Contact: Short Fiction Editor

Open Theme. We look for excellence in language, skilled experimentation, and the ability to get a story told. Up to three submissions accepted per author. Please send submissions
separately. You may include a one-page bio. Please remember to include contact sheet. Do not include SASE.
Word limit: 8,000
Manuscript: 12 point Times Roman
Readers fee: $10.00 per story. Include check or money order.
Do not email submissions.