
The George Garrett Fiction Award, $500

The Vachel Lindsay Poetry Award, $400

All entries will be eligible for publication in Willow Springs. If submitting in both genres, please use separate envelopes and enclose additional entry fees for each submission.

Entries for both awards must be postmarked by April 15, 2007

Send $10.00 per submission. Make checks payable to Willow Springs. Word limit for fiction: 7,000 words. You may send up to six poems per submission. Submissions must be clearly typed. The author’s name, address, and phone number should appear in the upper-right corner of each story’s first page. Do not send address cover sheets, cover letters, or biographical information; winners will be asked for short bio notes later. Do not send an SASE; manuscripts will not be returned.

All entrants will receive a Willow Springs issue containing the award-winning works. Entries must be original works and not previously published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere.

Willow Springs
705 West First Avenue
Spokane, WA 99201