
The winner of this annual award receives $1000 and publication by the University of North Texas Press.

This year’s judge has asked to remain anonymous until the conclusion of the competition.

Postmark deadline: November 15, 2007
Submit 50- to 80-page, typed manuscript, including an additional title page that does not bear the name of the poet. All pages indicating the poet’s identity will be removed from the manuscript prior to its being forwarded to the final judge. Manuscripts cannot be returned, but must be accompanied by:

$20 fee, payable to UNT Press letter-sized SASE for notification

Previously published portions of the manuscript should be identified on a separate acknowledgment page.

Winning manuscript will be announced by March 15, 2008. Send manuscripts to:

John Poch
Department of English
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409-3091