
Entries Due: November 1, 2008
Winners Announced: December 2008

1st Prize – $125 + Publication
2nd Prize – $75 + Publication
3rd Prize – Honorable Mention + Publication

Contest Judge:
Ever Saskya, Author of “The Porch is a Journey Different From the House”

Entry Fee: $7 (USD)

What We’re Looking For:
This contest seeks work that speaks to the mission of Dante’s Heart: A Journal of Myth, Fairytale, Folklore, and Fantasy. Dante’s Heart (www.dantesheart.com) is an online venue looking for creative work that explores how myth and fairy tale define and are defined by the human experience(s). We want to celebrate the shock, wonder, bewilderment, suffering, and enchantment of myth, of the fantastic; we want to hear about rivers running with wine and ghosts jumping the Mississippi on motorcycles. We’re concerned with the neglect of myth, with the blindness of a culture determined by myths it hasn’t thought about; we demand (beg, entreat, scream) that myths be thought about, made and remade, handled with a delicate & angry/sad/ desperate/joyous exuberance.

Contest Rules:

Submit poems by e-mail to editors@dantesheart.com

Submit entry fees using the “Giving” page on our website (www.dantesheart.com), and e-mail us to specify that the funds are for the contest entry fee.

Entries & entry fees must be received by November 1 in order to be considered for the contest.

Submit one entry only. An entry may consist of any of these:
1 poem of up to 7 pages
A series of 2-3 inter-related poems up to 10 pages
A series of 4 or more inter-related poems up to 15 pages

Send your best work. Please peruse our journal prior to submitting.