www.english.neu.edu/publications/morse_poetry_prize/ The Samuel French Morse Poetry Prize was established in 1983 to honor the Northeastern University career of Samuel French Morse as poet, teacher, and scholar by publishing the work of emerging artists. The prize is awarded annually to the manuscript of a first or second book of poems by a U.S. poet and consists of a $1000 cash award and publication of the winning manuscript by Northeastern...
Posts made in September, 2008
Can you write a 10 minute play before 18th Oct. 2008? Please think of “IRAQ” as a metaphor for the Middle East, USA, Iraq, muslims,jews,christians,Torah,Koran,Bible,Peace,War,9/11 Etc.,Etc. This is a nonpartisan contest. Good writing is what counts. If you feel strongly about the subject, this is your chance to let the world know. Can you do it?...
Contest Guidelines academics.sru.edu/SlabLitMag/contestinfo.html Judge: Kimberly Johnson NEA Creative Writing Fellow, and author of Leviathan with a Hook. Her newest collection is forthcoming from Perseus books. Rules: All winners/finalists will be published in SLAB. All poems considered for publication. All manuscripts are submitted to the readers and judge anonymously. Current and former students of the judge are ineligible to enter. Deadline...
Central Coast Poetry and Short Story Contest winners will each receive $500 http://centralcoastwriters.org/2009-spring-contest-rules.htm Their winning work will be published in the Spring 2009 Homestead Review produced by Hartnell College. Note: All contest entries will be considered for publication in Hartnell College’s Spring 2009 Homestead Review. Contest Rules Eligibility: Open to all work not previously published. Simultaneous submissions...
www.wisc.edu/wisconsinpress/poetryguide.html The University of Wisconsin Press awards the Brittingham Prize in Poetry and the Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry. Each winning poet will receive $2,500 ($1,000 cash prize and $1,500 honorarium to cover expenses of reading in Madison). Prizes are awarded annually to the two best book-length manuscripts of original poetry submitted in an open competition. Each manuscript submitted will be considered for...
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