Amoskeag: The Journal of SNHU is published annually in late April.

Spring 2009 Issue Guidelines

In a recent interview with Deidre Wengen, Jorie Graham identifies a task for writers concerned about the environment: to make readers “feel (and thus physically believe) what we have and what we are losing” (“Imagining the Unimaginable” In this issue of Amoskeag, we are not looking for scientific reports of extinctions, glacial loss, and journalistic prose necessarily, but rather for reflections on past, present, and future lives in relation to nature; meditations on the language of “global warming,” “climate change,” “green ____,” and related discourse; (self-reflective) jeremiads regarding population, consumption, etc; or visionary victory gardens and carbon negative utopias. Lighter, tangentially related pieces are also welcome: odes to Henry Ford, the Wright Brothers, or tank tops in winter; epitaphs for the “open road”; epistles to whomever inherits the earth

Since many submissions may inevitably be heavily apocalyptic, any perspective that leavens the brew is welcome.

Genres accepted:

short stories and creative non-fiction (essays) up to 2,500 words (6-10 pages preferred)

poetry (up to 4 poems per submission)

black-and-white photographs and drawings. Photographers should submit photos on a CD, titled by their name, and format titled photos in .jpeg (at least 300 dpi, 6.25” x 9.25”).

Reading Period:

September 1 to December 1 each year.

What to send:

All submissions must include a cover letter with the writer’s email address and a SASE with sufficient postage for the return of manuscripts or a reply. If writers provide an email address with no SASE, we will send an email reply. Sorry, we aren’t yet able to accept submissions through email.

Sample/ Back Issues:

Past or present sample issues are available for $5 (to cover printing and mailing costs), and subscriptions are available for $10 for two years. Please send a request or an email to the address below.

Where to Send:

[Poetry /Fiction/ Non-fiction/ Artwork: please specify on the envelope]

Allison Cummings, Editor
Amoskeag: The Journal of SNHU
School of Liberal Arts
Southern New Hampshire University
2500 North River Rd.
Manchester, NH, 03106-1045

Please email with questions, but note that we are not able to accept submissions through email.