www.freewebs.com/usethesewords/pdf/usethesewords1.pdf Submissions for use these words issue two: By January 1, 2009, send a brief contributor’s note and 1—5 poems, each using all of the following words, in the body of an e-mail to usethesewords@gmail.com. pillow, tantrum, silver, roof, vacant, atlas, break
Posts made in October, 2008
Willow Books, an imprint of Aquarius Press, announces its first annual Willow Books Poetry Award. The contest is open to all African American poets or poets of African descent. The contest is open to published and unpublished poets. Willow Books is open to a variety of aesthetics and seek to publish excellent manuscripts. Runner-ups will also be considered for publication. Willow Books reserves the right not to pick a manuscript, in which case...
www.storyscapejournal.com Storyscape, an online literary journal that is story-centered, asks for your submission. We want your: Invented story, true story, overheard story, visual story, poetic story, audio story, found story, given story. Just captivate us with the strength of the story. The premise of the journal is to expand the notion of what stories are while shaking up the labels we use to define them. To this end, we’ve come up...
Submission Deadline: November 30th—Winter Currently we are accepting submissions up until November 30th for the Winter Issue. There is no particular theme for this issue. We simply want good work. Reverie is a journal devoted to featuring the best literature and is open to African Americans with “ties” to the Midwest. The Review Board consists of a distinguished group of professional writers and instructors. Reverie appears in print...
New deadline. 10th Nov. 2008. PLAYWRIGHTS WANTED URGENT 10th Nov. 2008 deadline. Can you write a 10 minute play before 10th Nov. 2008? Think of “IRAQ” as a metaphor for Afghanistan, Middle East, Israel, USA, UK, Iraq, muslims, jews, christians, w, saddam, osama, barney, Torah, Koran, Bible, Hijab, rights of women, Peace, War, 9-11, Etc., Etc. If you are for or against the war, this is your chance to express yourself. How do you feel...
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