Queer Voltage: the group that produced the award-winning Queer Anarchy, is pleased to announce their First Annual Queer Voltage
Queer Poets Competition, a fundraiser for Queer Voltage Theatre. Any poet who self-identifies as GLBT may enter. Subsequently 10-15 poets will be invited to a Finalist’s Reading, Saturday, May 16th, at 7PM, at The ArtCentre Theatre of Plano, 1028 15th Place. Plano, TX 75074, corner of 15th and Avenue K. Three top prizes of 1st (150.00) 2nd (75.00) and 3rd (50.00) place winners will be awarded along with three honorable mentions, chosen by preeminent American Poet and Pulitzer Nominee, Cyrus Cassells. All finalists will be featured in a
commemorative chapbook made available at the Finalist’s Reading. All finalists will receive certificates and the top six will receive additional prizes.
Contestants may submit up to three poems for 15.00, which includes a copy of the winning chapbook. Additional poems may be entered for 5.00 apiece. 10-15 finalists will be chosen to read at the special fundraiser reading event. Winners will be announced at this event. No poem should exceed 3 pages. Consistent with blind judging names should not appear anywhere on poems themselves. A cover sheet with full contact information, poem titles and brief bio is required. Finalists need not be present at reading to win. Checks and money
orders should be made out to Queer Voltage. Entries must be postmarked by March 31st, 2009. Email entries are NOW accepted through PayPal. Please email for special instructions christophersoden@sbcglobal.net. If this email does not work, email jlgdrd@gmail.com. Hardcopy entries should be sent to : Queer Voltage, 7706 Meadow Road # 121, Dallas, Texas 75230
Poems will be judged on craft, original use of language and strength of execution. Poets must self-identify as GLBT but queer content isn’t required. Judges are respected members of the literary community, representing a variety of disciplines and orientations. Queer Voltage is a theatrical group dedicated to the performance of
ground-breaking, poignant and provocative drama to advance understanding and appreciation of the GLBTQ Community as a whole, giving voice to both new and established playwrights.
Cyrus Cassells is the author of three books of poetry including The Mud Actor, a selection of the National Poetry Series and Soul Make a Path Through Shouting (1994), which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.
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