
Deadline April 15. The winner of our 2009 contest will receive a $500 prize and publication in BOMBMagazine’s literary supplement First Proof.

Founded in 1981, BOMB has championed and encouraged the literary efforts of both established and emerging writers for more than a quarter-century, with a contributing editorial board that boasts contemporary giants such as A.M. Homes, Patrick McCrath, and Amy Hempel, all whom have generously judged our last three fiction contests.

Fiction Contest Submission Guidelines

• Winner receives $500 and publication in BOMB Magazine
• Final Judge: Jonathan Lethem (author of Fortress of Solitude and The Disappointment Artist)
• Deadline: April 15, 2009
• Reading Fee: $20 — includes a free one-year subscription to BOMB (overseas addresses should add $20); make all checks and money orders payable to BOMBMagazine.

Mail entries to:
BOMB Magazine
2009 Poetry Contest
80 Hanson Place, #703
Brooklyn, NY 11217

• Manuscripts of one story maximum must be less than 20 pages.
• Include cover letter with name, address, phone number and title of story; do not write a name on the actual manuscript, as all entries will be considered anonymously.
• Include SASE for response; manuscript will not be returned.
• Simultaneous submissions OK, but reading fee is not refundable.
• Email generalinquiries@bombsite.com with any questions.

Jonathan Lethem, best-selling author of Motherless Brooklyn, Fortress of Solitude, and The Disappointment Artist, is a Contributing Editor to BOMBMagazine. His tales incorporate the elements of noir mysteries, westerns, science fiction, and comic books.