
First Place Award: $500 Editors’ Choices: $100 each

Annual Awards for Unpublished Poetry in Any Style, Any Theme


Any number of unpublished poems may be entered by any writer.

Poems may be in any style, any subject.

Maximum length – 40 lines per poem.

Entry fee: $5 for first poem, $3 each additional poem.

No e-mail entries accepted.

Annual Submission Period: Oct. 1 – March 31

Deadline: Postmark March 31, 2009.
Judge: Award winning poet.

Winners will be announced in late spring, 2009.

The winning poem and editors’ choices will be published on www.writecorner.com and are eligible for inclusion in the permanent website writecorner.com anthology. (By submitting work to this contest, authors give permission to Writecorner Press to publish the award winning poetry and editors’ choices on the writecorner.com website. Authors retain all other rights to their works.)

How to Submit:
1. Send two typed copies of each unpublished poem. Place no author identification on one copy of each poem so the judging can be anonymous. On the second copy of each poem, on the top right, include the author’s name, address, phone number, and e-mail address if available. Keep a copy because manuscripts will
be recycled, not returned. Include a SASE for list of winners.
2. Send a short bio – about 4 lines
3. Mail submission with check to Writecorner Press (no cash), or if sent from outside the USA, a money order in US funds (no cash or foreign funds) to:

Writecorner Press
Koeppel Contest – Poetry
PO Box 140310
Gainesville, FL 32614

Fees received from contests go to payment of awards and upkeep of this site.

About this contest: Mary Sue Koeppel, Writecorner Press Co-editor, created and conducted the national Sue Saniel Elkind Poetry Contest sponsored by Kalliope until 2005 when she retired from the position of Kalliope editor. She and fellow editor, Robert B. Gentry, developed this contest in order to continue to reward the writers of fine poetry.

The Writecorner Press Poetry Contest follows the ethics guidelines recommended by the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP). Judges review submissions with no author identification. (See contest guidelines.) The following are ineligible to receive monetary awards: poems already published elsewhere, poems by Writecorner editors or judges, relatives of judges or editors. A grand-prize winners is not eligible to win the grand prize again until the sixth year after winning the prize.