Tiferet: A Journal of Spiritual Literature invites your submission for our 2009 Writing Awards in Poetry and Prose. Prizes are $500 in each genre.

Entry fee is $15 for one story or essay … or up to six poems. The deadline is April 1, 2009. Visit www.tiferetjournal.com and click Writing Awards for details and to enter.

TIFERET publishes writing from a variety of religious and spiritual traditions. Our mission is to help reveal spirit through the written word and to promote peace within the individual and in the world.

You may also choose to up your entry fee to $29 and receive a one-year subscription (two print and two digital issues) plus one FREE ISSUE of the magazine (176 pages, $14.95 value)

This is truly your best value for the money.

You will receive:
A one-year subscription (worth $29)
A free back issue (worth $14.95)
Your contest entry fee (worth $15)
Pay just $29 for a $58.95 value

Enter online at www.tiferetjournal.com/writecontest.html

Or mail your check and submission to TIFERET, 211 Dryden Road, Bernardsville, NJ 07924.

Judges are Elisabeth Murawski for Poetry, Peter Selgin and Ilan Stavans for Prose. Winners will be announced Summer 2009.