
$1500 and publication by Saturnalia Books

2009 Judge = Carl Phillips

Manuscript must be an original work of poetry written in English.
Manuscript must be at least 48 pages in length (not including foreword material).
Author’s name and contact information must not appear on manuscript.
Manuscript must be single-sided, and securely bound with a binder clip only.
Please include a separate cover sheet containing author’s name, title of manuscript, and contact information (including email address, street address, and phone number).
Please include a check for $25 payable to Saturnalia Books. Entries without checks or with checks that are returned for insufficient funds will be immediately withdrawn.
Manuscripts will be accepted during the month of March only (or postmarked by March 31).
Former students who have studied “poetry writing” with the judge are ineligible to enter. Friends and family of the judge are also ineligible.
Notification will be sent to your e-mail address. Do not include a self addressed stamped envelope (sase) unless you do not have an email address. If you do, it will be discarded.
Contest winner will be announced in July on the web site and via email. Please do not contact Saturnalia Books regarding your submission status before August 1.

Address submissions to:
saturnalia books
13 E. Highland Ave., 2 FL.
Philadelphia, PA 19118