First place winners receive $1000 and publication. Second and Third place winners receive publication. Check back August 4, 2010 for announcement of the winners.
Junot Díaz (fiction) and Ilya Kaminsky (poetry)
To enter:
1.Submissions may be sent via email only to fugue-prosesubmitATuidahoDOTedu or fugue-poetrysubmitATuidahoDOTedu. For each submission, please paste your name, contact information, and a short bio along with your work into the body of your email AND as an attachment. If you only send an attachment, we will not consider your work and you’ll receive a note saying as much. The genre you are submitting for (Fiction or Poetry) and the word “contest” should be typed in the subject line.
2.A $20 reading fee payment must accompany your submission and be made online, which guarantees consideration and a one-year subscription to the journal. Click here to pay for contest submissions.
3.Submissions must be e-mailed by May 1, 2010.
4.Story submissions should not exceed 10,000 words in length.
5.Poetry submissions should not exceed 3 poems or 5 pages.
Congratulations to the winners of Fugue’s Eighth Annual Prose & Poetry Contest!
Patricia Hampl, our fiction judge, and BH Fairchild, our poetry judge, have awarded the prizes to the following pieces:
1st place: Iraj Isaac Rahmim, “How I Came to be an American.”
2nd Place: Annie Nilsson, “For Milk, For God’s Sake.”
1st place: Danica Colic, “A Note Left on the Counter”
2nd place: Sarah Barber, “White Live Doves for Funerals”
Unfortunately, due to our policy of accepting simultaneous submissions, we lost our third place finishers without the time to name new winners. We ask our participants to make every effort to notify us immediately should your work
no longer be available.
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