$500 prize for the best poem, and $500 prize for the best short story (flash fiction), plus publication in Able Muse (the print journal).
Finalists in each category will also be considered for publication.
Entry deadline: February 15, 2011
- $15 for each entry which should contain a minimum of 1 poem, a maximum of 5 poems, but all the poems combined should not exceed 10 pages per entry).
- $15 for each entry minimum which should contain a minmum of 1 story, a maximum of 2 stories (stories should be flash fiction/short-short-short under 1,500 words each, typed double-spaced).
- Blind Judging by the Final Judges (Rachel Hadas for poetry, Alan Cheuse for flash fiction).
- Initial screening by the Able Muse Editors.
- Entries may not be previously published.
- Simultaneous submissions accepted as long as we’re immediately notified if your work is accepted elsewhere.
- Unlimited entries per person for one or both categories
- For poetry entries, all styles are welcome (metrical or free verse).
- We prefer online entries, however, paper/snail mail entry is available for those who insist on the traditional submission method.
- If you wish to enter in both cateogries or if you enter more than once in one or both categories, then a separate entry fee and submission form must be completed for each entry.
- If you’re entering by paper/snail mail, the manuscripts cannot be returned so, do not send us your only copies.
- For paper/snail mail entries, include an SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) to receive the announcement of the winners.
- The contests will be judged blind by the final judge, so:
- Author’s name should only appear on cover page and nowhere else.
- Initial screening will be done by the editors of Able Muse.
- The final judges will received anonymized manuscripts (five to ten each depending and the number of total entries and their quality).
- The final judge will be instructed to disqualify any work that he recognizes. The entry fee the work thus disqualified will be refunded.
- Include on your cover page ONLY:
- the category of your submission— i.e. “poetry contest” or “fiction contest”
- the poems/stories titles
- the total number of lines for all poems combined / total word count for all stories combined. (For deriving line or word count, do not include, blank lines, the poem or story title, epigraphs in the line/word count.)
- the poet’s/writer’s name
- address
- phone number, and
- email address.
- For paper/snail mail entries, send manuscripts in duplicate.
- Final Judge (Poetry): Rachel Hadas
- Final Judge (Flash Fiction): Alan Cheuse
Visit the website for details: http://www.ablemusepress.com/ablemuse-write-prize
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