Our competition is called The Challenge of Three and is open to all writers in English, regardless of nationality.


gritLIT, Hamilton’s literary festival, seeks three outstanding works of short fiction and three suites of poems. We want to be impressed, thrilled, and entertained. (Your immortality will come later.)

Six Cash Prizes to be won! We will publish the winning entries in a handsome chapbook.

The gritLIT Challenge of Three is open to all writers. Stories and suites of poems must be written in English and not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere.

Stories may be up to 3000 words and a suite of poems may be up to 300 lines.

Deadline: June 1, 2011

Poetry and fiction will each have their own prizes: First $200 // Second $100 // Third $50

Entry Fee: $20 per submission.

Entries should be addressed to: gritLIT Literary Contests, 69 Hughson St. North, Suite 102 Hamilton, ON L8R 1G5

No submissions via email or email attachment. For more information, please contact contest@gritlit.ca or visit our website at www.gritlit.ca