Posts made in February, 2011

Indiana Review’s 2011 Poetry Prize Contest

The winner of our contest will receive $1000 and publication in Indiana Review. In addition to being considered for publication, all entrants will receive a year’s subscription. POSTMARK DEADLINE: March 25, 2011 Reading Fee: $15 Includes a one-year subscription All entries considered for publication. Send no more than three poems per entry, 8 pages maximum. All entries considered anonymously. Previously published works and works...

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The third UH Writing Award

Writing award Presented by the University of Hertfordshire …The third UH Writing Award provides a valuable and unique opportunity. The enthusiasm and spark shown by the young people who have participated in the past awards has been infectious and inspiring for the audience, youth group leaders, teachers and school pupils. For many, participating in the Award is a once in a life time experience helping to improve their confidence and enthusiasm...

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Call for entries: Poets and Writers!

The Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest is open to anyone who loves expressing innermost thoughts and feelings into the beautiful art of poetry or writing a short story that is worth telling everyone! And to all who have the ability to dream… Write a poem or short story for a chance to win cash prizes. All works must be original. Guidelines: Write a poem, thirty lines or fewer on any subject, style, or...

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Announcing the Riddle Fence and Rattling Books short fiction contest!

Short fiction contest Riddle us with your most brilliant writing. Rattle us with great characters and unexpected verbs. Win big prestige, and a little prize money, too! The winning story will be published in Riddle Fence, as well as professionally recorded as an audio short by Rattling Books. Winning author receives $500.* Also-greats receive $200 each and may be published. (*plus payment for publication and royalties for audio sales) Sponsored...

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Silverland Press’s First Annual Writing Contest

Want to be published?  Want to get paid for your writing?  We invite you to enter your short story in Silverland Press’s First Annual Writing Contest.  The entries of ten lucky winners will be included in an anthology and published. Silverland Press is looking for original fiction that is intended for a young adult audience.  We are especially interested in stories involving aspects of the paranormal or urban fantasy (for example, see the work...

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