Judge: David Mitchell

David Mitchell, author of Cloud Atlas, number9dream, Ghostwritten, Black Swan Green and The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet, will be judging the 2011/12 prize.

“If any readers have doubted that David Mitchell is phenomenally talented and capable of vaulting wonders on the page, they have been heretofore silent. Mitchell is almost universally acknowledged as the real deal. His best-known book Cloud Atlas is one of those how-the-holy-hell-did-he-do-it? modern classics that no doubt is — and should be — read by any student of contemporary fiction…[The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet] confirms Mitchell as one of the more fascinating and fearless writers alive.”

— Dave Eggers, The New York Times Book Review

The ten best stories chosen by David Mitchell will be published in the 2012 Fish Anthology. 

Closing: 30 November 2011.

Results: 17 March 2012. 

Word limit: 5,000.

First Prize – €3,000 – (of which €1,000 is for travel expenses to the launch of the Anthology).

Second Prize – a week at Anam Cara Writers’ & Artists’ Retreat in West Cork’s Beara Peninsula, with €300 travelling expenses.
Third Prize – €300

Entry: €20 online 

€22 by post to Fish Publishing, Durrus, Bantry, Co Cork, Ireland.

A critique service is available for €45 per story.