Announcing the 2013 Pikes Peak Branch National League of American Pen Women Flash Fiction Contest

Attn: This contest is open to everyone–you don’t need to be a member; open to men and women.

Write a complete, but very short story of 100 words or fewer

Deadline: Postmarked/received by email by May 1, 2013

Entry Fee: $10 first manuscript, $8 each additional manuscript, $10 optional critique fee

Prizes: First-$100, Second-$50, Judge’s Merit-$25

Theme: Hidden Amongst These Worlds (Can be any genre)

Flash Fiction is a complete, but very short story of 100 words or fewer.  The title is not included in the word count.  The story must pertain to the theme, “Hidden Amongst These Worlds”  All genres are welcome, and multiple entries may be submitted.  An entry fee is required for each entry, however each entry after the first is discounted to $8 per.  You can also opt for a completely optional critique of your piece by a published author for an additional $10 per entry.  A self-addressed, stamped envelope must be included with mailed entries if you would like it returned by mail.  Winners will be notified by May 31, 2013.

For complete rules and entry blank, please go to or 

and click on the Contests tab or email: