Colony Collapse Press will award a prize of $300, publication, and 20 complimentary copies for the best novella, as judged by our editorial board.
Deadline: July 31, 2013.
Length: 15,000 words minimum and 50,000 words maximum per each individual submission. These pages must comprise a single work of fiction or novella-length narrative nonfiction.
Entry fee: $10 per manuscript. This fee is nonrefundable and must be paid by credit card from within the online submission manager.
Multiple submissions are permissible. Each additional entry requires its own separate entry fee.
Portions of the manuscript may have been previously published, but the manuscript, as a whole must be unpublished and must be available for exclusive book-length publication by Colony Collapse Press. Previously self-published works are not eligible. For excerpts published individually in journals or magazines, the writer must hold copyright. Include an acknowledgments page listing previous publication of included work, if applicable.
All submissions will be considered for publication. All themes and/or subject matters are eligible. All rights revert to the writer upon publication.
Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but if the manuscript is published/accepted by another press while under consideration, the author must promptly withdraw the entry.
Book bundle: As a special deal to contest entrants, Colony Collapse Press offers any published book for an additional $6. For $16 total, submit to the contest and choose from a copy of the winning novella from the contest, or either of our two previously published books, Michael Sheehan’s Proposals for the Recovery of the Apparently Drowned, or Kara Weiss’s Late Lights.
Complete guidelines available at: