Postmark deadline: May 31, 2013
MANUSCRIPTS should typed, double-spaced, with name and address on the first page. Clear photocopies and computer print-outs are acceptable. Please include an SASE for reply or return of manuscript. We will consider simultaneous submissions, but ask that you notify us if your story is accepted elsewhere. Previously unpublished stories only.
LENGTH: 4000 words maximum (about 15-16 manuscript pages).
PRIZE:In addition to the $250 cash prize, the winner also receives 10 copies of the issue the story appears in.
ENTRY FEE:$15 per story, payable to Pearl Magazine.
JUDGING: The winning story is selected by the editors of Pearl. Although we are open to all types of fiction, we look most favorably upon coherent, well-crafted narratives, containing interesting, believable characters and meaningful situations. All submissions are considered for publication in Pearl’s annual fiction issue.
SUBMISSION PERIOD: April 1 – May 31, 2013 (postmark). The winner is announced and manuscripts returned in September 2013.
SEND SUBMISSIONS TO: Pearl Short Story Prize, 3030 E. Second Street, Long Beach, CA 90803
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