Final Judge: Tobias Wolff

First Prize: $1000 and winning entry published in Summer/Fall 2009 issue
Entries of honorable mention also published in Summer/Fall 2009 issue

Complete Guidelines for Contest Submissions

Deadline: Entries must be received by March 19, 2009. This is NOT a postmark deadline. Entries received after March 19, 2009 will be returned unread.

1. Submit one piece of fiction (or a series of related short-shorts) totaling no more than 10,000 words.
2. A $10 reading fee payable to Sycamore Review must accompany each entry. Do not send cash. When sending more than one entry, additional reading fees must also be included ($10 per additional story).
3. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable only if Sycamore Review is notified immediately upon acceptance elsewhere.
4. All entries must be typed and must include a cover letter with author’s name and contact information (address, telephone, and email address) as well as the titles and word counts of all entries submitted. The author’s name or any identifying information should not appear on the manuscript itself.
5. Stories should be unpublished. We do not accept previously published work.
6. Manuscript pages should be numbered and should include the title of the piece.
7. Please include a self-addressed, stamped postcard if you wish to be notified upon receipt of your manuscript.
8. Manuscripts will not be returned. Winners will be20announced by May 1, 2009. For information on winners and runners-up, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with entry.
9. All contest submissions will be considered for regular inclusion in the Sycamore Review.
10. Questions may be directed to Mehdi Okasi, Editor-in-Chief, at

Send 2009 Wabash Prize for Fiction submissions and reading fee to:

2009 Wabash Prize for Fiction
Sycamore Review
Department of English
500 Oval Drive
Purdue University
West Lafayette , IN 47907