For an unpublished short story (up to 5,000 words)
Winner Receives:
$500 cash
Publication in Open City
Judged by Rick Rofihe
2009 Contest Assistant: Carolyn Wilsey
Carolyn Wilsey has read fiction for Esquire and Swink
–Stories should be typed, double-spaced, on 8 1/2 x 11 paper with the author’s name and contact information on the first page and name and story title on the upper right corner of remaining pages.
–Submissions must be postmarked by October 15, 2009
–Limit one submission per author
–Author must not have been previously published in Open City
–Mail submissions to RRofihe, 270 Lafayette Street, Suite 1412, New York, NY 10012
–Enclose self addressed stamped business envelope to receive names of winner and honorable mentions
–All manuscripts are non-returnable and will be recycled.
–Reading fee is $10. Check or money order payable to RRofihe
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