I would like to invite you and any authors you know to participate in a flash fiction challenge I have on my blog.  The winner of the challenge can win an original graphite drawing on paper by me.

The flash fiction stories will be published in a catalog integrated with an exhibit in San Francisco at ArtHaus Gallery (April 8th for the reception).

The show is called: Renovated Reputations:
Paintings and Fiction inspired by Vintage Portrait Photographs

The exhibit will include a series of 20-40 paintings and mixed media works ranging in size from 8″x10″ to 18″x24″ framed with thrift store and vintage frames.  In addition to the exhibited works ArtHaus is publishing catalogs signed by me and as many of the authors as possible.  Catalogs/books will consist of image of the painting with the text of the “flash story” surrounding the image.  If I can get the authors to come to a book signing/party, authors would sign their pages for some of the printed stuff.

We’re going to have a photobooth for the show for participants to play with and vintage costumes.

Of course I’ll send the authors free copies of the catalogs.

If this interests, please visit my site and click on “Competition”