What is poetry of the sacred?

Poetry that expresses, directly or indirectly, a sense of the holy or that, by its mode of expression, evokes the sacred. The tone may be religious, prophetic, or contemplative. Deadline for submissions: Postmarked by December 31, 2007.

First Prize, $500; Three Honorable Mention Prizes, $100 each. Winning Poems will be published in The Merton Seasonal, a publication of scholarly articles about noted spiritual leader Thomas Merton and will be posted on the Merton Institute web site: www.mertoninstitute.org. Only ONE unpublished poem type written in English may be submitted. Please limit the poem to no more than 100 lines. Type your name, address, phone number, FAX number, email address, and the title of your poem on a cover page. Attach (1) one copy of your titled poem to the cover page.

Submit poem to: Merton Institute, 2117 Payne Street, Louisville, KY 40206

or email to: hgraffy@mertoninstitute.org
as a Word document attachment.

No Faxed entries will be accepted.
No poems will be returned.
Poems will be judged on literary excellence, spiritual tenor, and human authenticity.
Winners will be announced in March 2008. Please visit the Institute website for contest results. To be notified in writing of the contest winners, please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope along with your entry.