Laughter which cannot be suppressed is catching.  Mark Twain

In keeping with my numero uno New Year’s resolution for 2011, TO LAUGH MORE, I’m officially announcing Terri Weeding’s Little Ole Humor Writin’ Contest.Yeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaa!

Contest Opening Date: January 9th, 2011

Contest Close Date: February 27th, 2011

Entry Fee: Nada. Zippo. It’s totally free to enter this here writin’ contest. 

Prize: The little ole prize for this little ole contest is a $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble or Amazon. But wait there’s more! You’ll receive an electronic copy of my book, To Kill An Armchair Husband, a dark comedy, absolutely free. But wait, that’s not all! As the champion, your winning story, your picture, and a little blurb about YOU will be featured on my website.

What to submit: An original and funny story. True or not true or a mixture of both, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s a story and not just ramblin’. 

What not to submit (Big No-No’s): Prose of a nasty, evil, mean-spirited, or pornographic/graphic nature.

Word Count: 500 words

Two Kinds of Entry formats accepted:  1. I’ll accept a video clip if you think an oral delivery will enhance the comedic nature of your work.  Big risk, big potential pay-off IF YOU NAIL IT.  If you don’t . . . well let’s just say you want the right kind of laughter.

2. I’ll accept your written entry as part in the body of an e-mail only. I WILL NOT OPEN attachments. Repeat after me. She will not open attachments.

E-mail all submissions of 500 words or less to: 

Don’t forget to include a title, your name, and your e-mail address so I can notify you if you become the little ole winner!

Need some humor help? Well, you’ve come to the right blog.  Peruse some of my past postings for help.

  Ready. Set. Go! Let the funny begin!

Visit the website: