Magma 50th Issue Poetry Competition

Deadline: 30 November 2011

We accept previously unpublished poems of up to 80 lines on any subject. Poetry judge is George Szirtes. First prize will be £500, second prize £200 and third prize £100. What’s more, poems of up to 10 lines will also be considered for the Magma Editors Prize: first prize £500, second prize £200 and 10 special mentions. Competition period 16 October to 30 November. Fee is £4 per poem or £15 for four poems. For Magma subscribers, it is £3 per poem or £9 for four poems.

Winning poems will be published in Spring 2012 issue and prizewinners will be invited to a reading in early Spring 2012.

Visit for details, where you can enter online from 16 October onwards, or download the postal entry form.