Editor: Vincent Kovar
Publisher: Gay City Health Project
Disciplines: Comic Art, Fiction, Poetry, & Photography
Submission Deadline: Postmarked Sept. 29th, 2007

The queer anthology GAY CITY: VOLUME ONE is seeking submissions of comic art, fiction, poetry, and photography that serve to promote the Gay City mission of preventing HIV transmission through building community, fostering communications and nurturing self-esteem among gay men. While the content of submissions should be focused on gay men, contributing artists may be of any orientation and gender.

We are looking for fresh takes on the gay aesthetic beyond the usual clichés. Is there such a thing as a gay landscape or homo-surrealism or queer futurism? Do you have an entirely unique take on the homoerotic (note: we are not seeking erotica) or the closet or coming out that we haven’t seen before? We’re creating a cross between the New Yorker and Christopher Street that pushes “gay” upward into a new territory beyond the confines of mere sexual behavior.

1. Hardcopy, disposable submissions are requested, sent to the address below. If accepted, an electronic copy will be requested.
2. Send two (2) copies of all work.
3. Include one $5 submission fee per 3,000 words of fiction, or up to four poems, or up to six photographs, or up to eight pages of comic art (formatted for a 6×9 book).
4. Your name and contact information should not appear on the work itself, only on your coversheet, along with the title of your work. The title should appear on each page of the work.
5. All submissions should be in black and white and professionally presented.
6. Include a brief cover letter with a short bio of up to 150 words.
7. Include an SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) for reply.
8. Please do not call to request the status of your submission.

We pay if and when funds are available, at $10/page, with a maximum payment of $50; contributing artist/authors receive a complimentary copy. One piece from each discipline will receive the “Editor’s Choice Award” of an additional $50.

Entries must be postmarked by September 29th.

[CATEGORY: fiction, poetry, etc]
511 East Pike Street
Seattle, WA 98122

For more about Gay City, visit www.GayCity.Org