three candles press is pleased to announce the second Three Candles Press First Book Award for a best first book of poems. This contest will be judged by Peter Pereira, whose books include The Lost Twin, Saying the World, and What’s Written on the Body

Award: Winner receives $500.00 and 25 copies of the winning book. Deadline Oct. 15th (post-mark date). The winner will be notified at the end of December. The book will be available on the three candles website, through online retailers such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and at fine booksellers nationwide. The winner will receive a standard royalty contract.

Guidelines: Manuscripts of 60 – 95 pages should have one cover page containing the poet’s name, address, phone number, email address and title of manuscript, and another with only the name of the manuscript. Please include only one acknowledgements page.

How the Contest Works: Three Candles Journal editor-in-chief Steve Mueske will read all submitted manuscripts and forward the finalists to the judge. The final round of materials will be judged anonymously (without coversheet or acknowledgements page). To avoid conflicts of interest, the following manuscripts will be ineligible: those from former students of the judge or from family members or friends of the judge; those who have workshopped with Steve Mueske or received comments from any poems contained in the manuscript; and those who have worked with the editor in some business capacity prior to the opening of the competition.

Those poets whose work has been published in three candles journal are eligible.

Manuscripts should be printed on one side only and bound with a sturdy clip. Include an SASE for contest results. Contest entry fee is $22.00. Make checks payable to “three candles press.”

Send materials to:

three candles press
open book award
PO Box 1817
Burnsville MN 55337