ABLE MUSE WRITE PRIZE (Poetry & Fiction) 2012

 $500 prize for the best poem, and $500 prize for the best short story (flash fiction), plus publication in Able Muse (the print journal).
Finalists in each category will also be considered for publication.

Entry Fees:

$15 for each entry which should contain a minimum of 1 poem, a maximum of 5 poems, but all the poems combined should not exceed 10 pages per entry).

$15 for each entry minimum which should contain a minmum of 1 story, a maximum of 2 stories (stories should be flash fiction/short-short-short under 1,500 words each, typed double-spaced).

Judges: John Drury – poetry; Ellen Sussman – fiction

Deadline: February 15, 2012

Read the guidelines & ENTER now!