Deadline July 12, 2013.
The contest is for fiction about exploration for kindergarteners up to 150 words. The story should be appropriate to children 5 to 7 learning to read on their own. The theme of exploration could be set at home, down the block, at school, on vacation, in books: Use your imagination! The story should be fun, colorful, use well-targeted words, and have special interest for the age group. Do not write too high for this readership. Know what a five or seven-year-old can and cannot read. Originality and the overall quality of writing will also be considered. Publishability is the ultimate criterion.
There are five cash prizes:
$500 for the top winner,
$250 for second place,
and $100 for third, fourth, and fifth places.
If you’re not currently a subscriber to Children’s Writer,
the reading fee will also pay for an introductory eight-month subscription
to Children’s Writer.
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