Princemere Poetry Journal announces its 2008 poetry prize of $250 for the single best
poem submitted to the competition.
$250 and publication for the best unpublished poem in any style
September 30, 2008 postmark deadline (hard copies only)
Entry fee: $5 for three poems
All submissions considered for publication (author will be contacted for permission)
Princemere staff and their family members are not eligible to participate
Entry Format:
We prefer that the poet’s name not appear on the poems.
We prefer that entries be single-spaced.
Please include a cover letter or title page with the poet’s name, contact information, and the titles of poems.
Send a check or money order (payable to PRINCEMERE/ Gordon College) to:
Princemere Poetry Journal
2008 Poetry Prize
Gordon College
Wenham, MA 01984
Poems will be judged anonymously.
Winner and runners-up will be announced in January.
Include SASE for notification and return of manuscript.
Direct inquiries to
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