Central Coast Poetry and Short Story Contest

winners will each receive $500


Their winning work will be published in the Spring 2009 Homestead Review produced by Hartnell College. Note: All contest entries will be considered for publication in Hartnell College’s Spring 2009 Homestead Review.

Contest Rules

Eligibility: Open to all work not previously published. Simultaneous submissions allowed, but you must notify us if your work is accepted elsewhere.

Entry Fee: Short stories: $15 per entry. Poetry: $5 per entry.

Multiple Entries: You may enter as many times as you wish.

Maximum Length: Short story: 4000 words. Poetry: no restriction.

Submission Period: August 15, 2008 through November 15, 2008 (by postmark)

Submit to: CCW Contest, c/o Michael Thomas, P.O. Box 51805, Pacific Grove, CA 93950. Make your check payable to Central Coast Writers. Please note: entries will not be returned.

Format: Typed, white 8½ x11 paper, unstapled, single-sided, numbered pages, with title only (not your name) on upper left corner of all pages. Short stories must be double-spaced. Poetry should be formatted as you want it to appear. Include a single cover sheet for short stories and a single cover sheet for poetry. The cover sheet(s) must include the title(s) of your entry, your name, address, email address, phone number, and word count for20short stories.

Notification: Winners will be notified by March 31, 2009 and announced in Scribbles, the Central Coast Writers branch monthly newsletter.

Questions?: E-mail to ccw-contests@comcast.net