The Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest is open to anyone who enjoys expressing their innermost thoughts and feelings into the beautiful literary art of poetry and/or writing a story that is worth telling everyone. Welcome to all having the ability to dream… Write a poem or short story for a chance to win cash prizes totaling $1275.00! All works must be original. Guidelines: Write a poem, thirty...
Creative Non-Fiction
$24 ENTRY FEE. The 2014 Emerging Writer’s Contest is open to writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry who have yet to publish a book. The winner in each genre will be awarded $1,000. We define an “emerging writer” as someone who has yet to publish a book, including chapbooks, eBooks, and self-published works, in any of the content genres: creative nonfiction, poetry, or fiction. Deadline May 15, 2014. Fiction and nonfiction...
$20 ENTRY FEE. Northern Colorado Writers is hosting its 4th annual Personal Essay/ Creative Nonfiction writing contest, open to everyone. 1st: $1,000; 2nd: $250; 3rd: $100. Winners and honorable mentions of this and the other two contests in the series (Poetry coming up next) will be published in and receive a free copy of the winners’ anthology, POOLED INK. Maximum 5,000 words. Deadline June 30, 2014. Visit the website: ...
NO ENTRY FEE. Have you ever met an everyday, ordinary guru who helped you break a myth that held you back, sparked insight, or helped you see the world a little differently? If so, tell us your story by entering the Ordinary Guru Contest. You can submit a short story, essay, memoir, photo essay, cartoon, graphic novel or poem. First Prize: $5,000. Second Prize: $2,500. Third Prize: $1,500. Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States...
Find out by entering this year’s international children’s story competition run by Inclusive Works, Kazdu and Clavis Publishers! The theme of the 2014 competition is “Grandad, grandma and I in our multicultural society”. Submit your story for children aged 1-3 years or 4-6 years no later than 31 August 2014. The two winning stories will be published as illustrated children’s books in both Dutch and English by Clavis Publishers. Who can...
MASON’S ROAD LITERARY PRIZE — $15 ENTRY FEE. Submissions for Issue 9 are open until May 15, 2014, and we are looking for creative and unique interpretations of our theme: TRUTH. ?Please submit only one document in a genre for each issue, and limit prose and screenplay/drama to 5,000 words (double-spaced), poetry to 3 poems (up to 3 poems in a single document). Our submissions period runs for three months: February 15 – May 15,...
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