Cash prizes ($450, first prize is $300) and in-depth feedback await unpublished writers. No theme or genre restrictions. Maximum 2,500 words. Entry fee: starts from $10 (depends on level of feedback wanted when the story does not place) Deadline: November 30, 2014 Info: Contact e-mail: For further updates & announcements (dates), check...
Non-Fiction Contests
Submissions for Essay Tigers Writing Contest are now open! Deadline – August 1, 2014. Welcome to essay writing contest created by Essay Tigers! We invite all the writers internationally to submit previously unpublished entries and showcase your creative talent! There Is No Entry Fee! Please choose one of the following topics: 1) According to Jim Morrison, a friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. Does social media...
I work at a small production company in Los Angeles, and our next book, A Letter to My Mom, honors the powerful, loving, complicated, one-of-a-kind relationships we all have with our mothers. It’s a collection of personally-crafted letters to moms written by individuals from all walks of life including celebrities, influencers, everyday people and kids. We are trying to include letters from all over the country, which is why I am reaching...
For the novel contest, entrants can submit a work of 40,000 words or longer. There is no limit on the genre – the author just has to show a passion for writing on the page. The work cannot have been previously published anywhere. The winner will receive a publishing contract from The Story Plant, $5000, and an iPad mini loaded with a year’s worth of Story Plant books. Five runners-up will receive an iPad mini loaded with a year’s worth of Story...
Please send prose, poetry, hybrid work, translations, visual art & literary collaborations to DUENDE: the new, online literary journal of Goddard College’s BFA in Writing Program. DUENDE seeks authenticity & soulfulness, earthiness & expressiveness; as Lorca said, DUENDE “climbs up inside you, from the soles of the feet.” Submissions for our inaugural issue accepted through June 1, 2014. First issue debuts online in October. Writers...
The Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest is open to anyone who enjoys expressing their innermost thoughts and feelings into the beautiful literary art of poetry and/or writing a story that is worth telling everyone. Welcome to all having the ability to dream… Write a poem or short story for a chance to win cash prizes totaling $1275.00! All works must be original. Guidelines: Write a poem, thirty...
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