Enter the 2012 LitPOP Awards Matrix Magazine and POP Montreal are searching for poetry and short fiction submissions to the 2012 LitPOP Awards. Prize includes airfare, accommodation and a VIP pass to the POP Montreal Festival plus publication in Matrix Magazine. Entry fee $25. Visit: www.matrixmagazine.org/litpop and www.popmontreal.com for more information. Deadline: July 1, 2012. Incredible prizes for incredible writing: The POP Montreal...
Poetry Contests
Benjamin Saltman Poetry Award For a full manuscript of poetry. 48 page minimum. Judge: Katharine Coles Award: $3,000 and publication of the collection with Red Hen Press. Entry: $25 Deadline: August 31, 2012 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Short Story Award Up to two stories can be submitted, maximum 25 pages each. Judge: Mary Guterson Award: $1,000 and publication in The Los Angeles Review. Entry: $20 Deadline: June 30, 2012 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ruskin...
Does the World Inspire You? Summer Contest Reading Period May 30 to July 30, 2012 Do you have an essay or poems inspired by your observations of the world around you? It could be a scene or event in nature or even the world outside your window. Perhaps we can challenge you to write one especially for this contest. Like some of our past contests, this one includes the opportunity for revision because Sheila believes in second chances. She will...
Established in 1978, the Poetry Society’s National Poetry Competition is one of the world’s biggest and most prestigious poetry contests. The judges this year are Vicki Feaver, W.N. Herbert and Nick Laird. Winners include both established and emerging poets, and for many the prize has proved an important career milestone. The prizes are: £5,000 for the overall winner, £2,000 for the second, £1,000 for the third, with seven commendations of...
Philip Booth Poetry Prize $500 & publication in Salt Hill Submission Period: May 15th – August 1st 2012 Guest judge will be National Book Award Finalist Bruce Smith. Guidelines: Enter up to three poems, any length, any style, each starting on a new page. Submit all poems in one document. Only previously unpublished work is accepted. The Philip Booth prize is judged anonymously: your name and other identifiers (phone number, address,...
BEST NEW POEMS POETRY CONTEST Enter the free poetry contest for a chance to win money! and/or Help judge the poetry contest for a chance to win money! Submission Guidelines: Only 1 poem will be accepted from each poet to be featured for each yearly contest. If you do not receive an acceptance Email within 5 days, you may submit up to 2 more poems to be considered. The best new poems you submit must be your own original material that has not...
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