Valhalla Press announces the Valhalla Press LiteraryFiction and Creative Nonfiction Contest. The contest seeks out the best in original short literary fiction and nonfiction work written in English. Contestants will vie for prizes including $500 and an ereader plus publication in Ragnarok, an e-lit journal. Deadline August 30, 2012. Winners will be announced by September 30, 2012. Entry fee is $15 per submission and works are limited to 5,000...
Short Fiction Contests
The Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest is open to anyone who loves expressing innermost thoughts and feelings into the beautiful art of poetry or writing a short story that is worth telling everyone! And to all who have the ability to dream… Write a poem or short story for a chance to win cash prizes. All works must be original. Guidelines: Write a poem, thirty lines or fewer on any subject, style, or... is pleased to announce the Summer Solstice writing contest. This fee-free contest has a $50 first prize and a $25 second prize, and is for fiction of 2500 words or fewer. Entries must fit into the Slipstream genre, blending mainstream fiction and sci-fi/fantasy genres, making the familiar strange by using sci-fi/fantasy elements. Contest deadline is June 30, 2012. This contest is hosted by Scribophile–a friendly,...
Subject: Help spread the “words” — 8th Annual Write a DearReader Contest Call the neighbors, wake the kids—DearReader is back with the eighth annual Write a DearReader Contest. Help spread the word to your readers, fans and followers beginning July 2, using the attached widgets. You can write about anything as long as it is no longer than 650 words. Write about the day you wore your T-shirt inside out; about the stray cat or dog found...
In Conjunction with (downtown) omaha lit fest Lit Undressed Presents: WOMEN IN DISGUISE October 24 & 25, 2012, 8pm House of Loom, 1012 S. 10th St. $10, 21+ The focus of this year’s (downtown) omaha lit fest (October 19-20) is Women Writers. Authors will participate in panels, readings and discussions by authors, who, according to VIDA Women in the Literary Arts “Count 2011” are underrepresented as...
Categories: Fiction; Poetry; Life Writing Word limit: 3000 (or five poems) Deadline: 27 July 2012 5pm GMT Prize: £300 and publication in Wasafiri magazine Fee: £6.00 if entering one category, £10 for two and £15 for all three The prize is open to anyone worldwide who has not published a complete book in the category they wish to enter. Other terns and conditions apply, please visit for further information and to download the...
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