Teen Ink has no staff writers; we depend completely on you to send writing, art, and photos. There is no charge to submit or be published. All submissions will be considered for publication in Teen Ink’s print magazine and website. General Guidelines All submissions of writing and artwork will be considered for publication in our monthly print magazine and on TeenInk.com, and are also automatically entered into any relevant contests. Teen Ink...
Short Story Competitions
Fairy Tale Review is thrilled to announce the debut of an annual contest, beginning this year with Prose & Poetry awards. We’re interested in poems, stories, and essays with a fairy-tale feel — mainstream to experimental, genre to literary, realist to fabulist. Both contests will award $1,000, and all submissions will be considered for publication in The Mauve Issue. $10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline July 15, 2014 Visit the website for...
THE NEW GUARD VOLUME IV contest submission period runs from February 10 to July 14, 2014. The entry fee is $15. Guidelines are below. Click the link below to submit via Submittable’s online submission manager. We are looking forward to reading your work! MACHIGONNE FICTION CONTEST: $1,000 for an exceptional fiction in any genre. Submit up to 5,000 words: anything from flash to the long story. Novel excerpts are welcome if the excerpt...
Accepting short stories of Canadian fiction in English from 3,000 to 3,500 words. The finalist receives a cash prize of $2,000 and a cast pewter medallion. $10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline August 5, 2014 Visit the website: http://www.johnkennethgalbraithliteraryaward.ca/
$15 ENTRY FEE. Four Orlando prizes of $1,000 each and publication in The Los Angeles Review are awarded twice yearly for a poem, a short story, a short short story, and an essay by women writers. Deadline July 31, 2014 Visit the website: http://aroomofherownfoundation.org/awards/
Cash prizes ($450, first prize is $300) and in-depth feedback await unpublished writers. No theme or genre restrictions. Maximum 2,500 words. Entry fee: starts from $10 (depends on level of feedback wanted when the story does not place) Deadline: November 30, 2014 Info: http://www.atlantis-shortstorycontest.com/ Contact e-mail: inquiry@atlantis-shortstorycontest.com For further updates & announcements (dates), check...
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