SHORT CALL FOR SUBMISSION: This call for submissions is particularly for queer womyn and their allies who live in the Southern region of the United States or have a strong affinity for this locale. Submit your writing as a single document in the body of the email or as a Word attachment. Also include a short biography and a photo of your choice that reps your work. G.R.I.T.S : Girls Raised In The South- An Anthology on Southern Queer Womyns’...
Theme Issues
Submissions are now being accepted for Capital Repertory Theatre’s NEXT ACT! NEW PLAY SUMMIT 2! Next Act! is an expansion of Capital Repertory Theatre’s commitment to the development of new work, and is designed to complement the Upper Hudson Valley’s recent and future growth explosion in the fields of research and technology. The summit will directly reflect the theatre’s mission, “to create meaningful theatre generated from an authentic...
Postmark Deadline: May 31, 2013 Creative Nonfiction and Arizona State University’s Global Institute of Sustainability are looking for remarkable true stories that illuminate and present the human side of environmental, economic, ethical, and/or social challenges related to the state of the planet and our future. We welcome personal essays or stories about extraordinary individuals or communities, and stories about innovative solutions to...
The Character-Driven Tale contest is about writing great characters. To enter, submit a short story of under 3,000 words in which the focus of the story is on the characters. Acclaimed author David Corbett will judge the entries based on the richness, uniqueness, and complexity of the characters you create. Entry is free Deadline is April 30, 2013. 1st place receives a 50-page manuscript critique from David Corbett (worth $350), $100 in...
WRITERS OF THE FUTURE CONTEST RULES “A culture is as rich and as capable of surviving as it has imaginative artists. The artist is looked upon to start things. The artist injects the spirit of life into a culture. And through his creative endeavors, the writer works continually to give tomorrow a new form.”—L. Ron Hubbard >> ENTRANTS RETAIN ALL PUBLICATION RIGHTS >> NO ENTRY FEE IS REQUIRED >> ALL...
What’s in a Name? Boroughs 2013 Novella Contest Has the title of a song ever inspired you to write? We’re betting it has…and that you can take that title and make it your own. We invite you to submit your 25,000-40,000 word, completed novella based on the title of a song – any song – that you adopt as the title of your story to: no later than May 31st 2013. Your submission MUST include a two...
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