Creative Writing Contest 2013 Click here for a PDF copy of this document The Friends of the Warren-Newport Public Library announce their 20th Annual Creative Writing Contest: Categories Short Story (fiction) Poetry Limit to two entries in each category per person. Age Groups Grades 3, 4 and 5 Grades 6, 7 and 8 High School Adult Short Story Length Grades 3 through 8: 1-4 pages, double-space High School and Adult: 3-5 pages, typewritten,...
One could travel down a million different paths when considering women in art, and I’m inviting you to pick one of these paths and write your heart out! I am excited to be joining up with Ashley from Small Strokes as the editor of this month’s Feminist Odyssey Blog Carnival and I am calling on you to further shake the trees where women are missing, problematic, celebrated, or empowered making art. This means I will post a list of all of your...
The third annual Ojai WordFest will host “A Celebration of Words” at Libbey Bowl on Saturday, April 13th. The event will be the highlight to the 8-day Ojai WordFest, which runs Saturday April 6 through Saturday April 13. Scheduled festivities will include stage readings and performances by authors, poets, playwrights, songwriters, and other word-artists. A “Book Fair at the Bowl” will be held on the lawn above the bowl...
2013 WINKIE RESEARCH TABLE Submissions are invited for the 2013 Winkie Research Table. Our goal is to put on a great research table, with a large number of quality submissions, to encourage new writers and artists, and to explore a large range of Oz expression. Authors, Researchers and Artists are invited to submit their work for consideration for awards at the 2013 Winkie Con. The three categories that will be judged are Fiction, Non-fiction,...
Poisoned Pen Press Now Accepting Submissions for the Second Annual Discover Mystery Award; will award a $1000 cash prize and publishing contract to this year’s winner Poisoned Pen Press is now accepting entries for its second annual Discover Mystery Award. A first book contest specifically for unpublished writers trying to break into the mystery genre, the Discover Mystery Award will include a $1000 cash prize, the Discover Mystery title, and...
Valentine’s Day Ideas Romantic Story Writing Content, an international contest on love and friendship. The competition is open to authors worldwide. is specially designed for all those people who are in love or are searching for their soul mate. Since Valentine’s Day is here so we are starting a writing competition where people can share their special moments in form of a story. Love is a special feeling which...
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