The Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest is open to anyone who loves expressing innermost thoughts and feelings into the beautiful art of poetry or writing a short story that is worth telling everyone! And to all who have the ability to dream… Write a poem or short story for a chance to win cash prizes. All works must be original. Guidelines: Write a poem, thirty lines or fewer on any subject, style, or...
Uncategorized is pleased to announce the Summer Solstice writing contest. This fee-free contest has a $50 first prize and a $25 second prize, and is for fiction of 2500 words or fewer. Entries must fit into the Slipstream genre, blending mainstream fiction and sci-fi/fantasy genres, making the familiar strange by using sci-fi/fantasy elements. Contest deadline is June 30, 2012. This contest is hosted by Scribophile–a friendly,...
In Conjunction with (downtown) omaha lit fest Lit Undressed Presents: WOMEN IN DISGUISE October 24 & 25, 2012, 8pm House of Loom, 1012 S. 10th St. $10, 21+ The focus of this year’s (downtown) omaha lit fest (October 19-20) is Women Writers. Authors will participate in panels, readings and discussions by authors, who, according to VIDA Women in the Literary Arts “Count 2011” are underrepresented as...
(Ojai, CA – June 8, 2012) Author Ray Bradbury loved books and libraries. He divined his inspiration for the futuristic “Fahrenheit 451” while wandering through the stacks of books in the UCLA library. To honor his memory, the public is welcomed to a series of Bradbury events on Saturday June 23 to celebrate his illustrious writings, career and life. The events are hosted by Ojai Writers Workshops, which is offering numerous...
The Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival is pleased to announce that our annual fiction and one-act play contests are now accepting submissions. Our team is gearing up for our 27th celebration of our namesake playwright and the city in which he found his “spiritual home.” Details are below. 5th Annual Fiction Contest Judge: Michael Cunningham, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Hours Grand Prize $1,500 Domestic airfare...
4TH DR. ZYLPHA MAPP ROBINSON INTERNATIONAL POETRY AWARD, FIRST PRIZE: $200, 2nd Prize: (selected MOBIUS) 3rd Prize (Audiobook: “Poetry Among the Flowers: Queens Meets Asia” by Juanita Torrence-Thompson). 3 Honorable Mentions. THEME from our 8 Mobius categories –website: Not mandatory, but preferably at least one HUMOROUS OR CELEBRATORY poem. – ALL poems are considered for publication in Mobius, The Poetry Magazine...
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