THE FIFTH ANNUAL GeminiMAGAZINE POETRY OPEN GRAND PRIZE: $1,000 SECOND PLACE: $100 Four Honorable Mentions ($25 each) ENTRY FEE: $5 (up to three poems) DEADLINE: January 2, 2015 All Six Finalists Will Be Published in The March 2015 Issue of Gemini prose poem rhyme free verse ballad aubade haiku haibun sonnet lyric elegy limerick. . . Doesn’t matter what it’s called as long as it moves us! No restrictions on subject, style or length....
The search is what anyone would undertake if he were not sunk in the everydayness of his own life. To become aware of the possibility of the search is to be onto something. —Walker Percy We are looking for well-crafted, dynamic writing that demonstrates attention to the language, writing that engages, surprises, and moves us. We subscribe to the belief that in order to truly write well, one must master the basics: grammar and syntax,...
Now open for entries. Deadline: 30 November 2014 Type: Short story (UK + International) Prizes: Winner: £1,000 Runner-up: £100 4 x Highly Commended £25 All prizewinners will have their story published to the InkTears Readers and their Bio published on the InkTears website. Full results will be announced by 30 March 2015. Fee: £6.00. Length:1000-3500 words, any theme and open to age 18+. NB: stories may have been previously published or...
theNewerYork Department of Forms and Records is a large, desolate building You can hear the wind whistling through our empty filing cabinets. The dazed bureaucrats in our skyscrapers have no one to direct. They have each other sign documents in triplicate out of boredom. We need your help to make our government real, because we’ll never be a real fictional city-state without halls of paperwork. Fill our coffers with your weirdness We need you...
“What does your avatar say about you?” Ah, the avatar–as forum communities grow, new and creative ways of self-expression flourish. One such way is through the use of avatars, an image that reflects some aspect of the user’s personality. An avatar can either chip away at the bland anonymity of cyberspace or it can symbolize something private to the user–or both at the same time. It can deceive, invent, re-invent,...
We have no guidelines or restrictions on writing style or content—nada, zilch, keine. As Charlie “Bird” Parker pointed out, “There’s no boundary line to art.” We don’t want to set any boundaries so we use a clean, simple selection process: if it strikes a chord with us we print it. Payment: $10 per published piece TO SUBMIT BY EMAIL (except contest entries): Paste previously unpublished fiction, poetry,...
Two Categories: Fiction & Creative/Narrative Nonfiction Dates of submission: September 15, 2014 to February 1, 2015 PRIZE: $1,000 Finalists will be announced and notified on or around March 1, 2015 and the winners will be announced in March 27, 2015 during dinner at the NCW 10th Anniversary Writers Conference. Attendance at the conference is not required. First Place: Framed certificate and $1,000 Finalists:...
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