New Meridian Contest for Prose Poems!

Short-shorts, prose poems–whatever you want to call them, we’re opening a new contest just for them. The winning entry will be printed on a 4″ x 6″ postcard which will be given out at the AWP 2007 Conference to promote Meridian. The postcard will also be included with the May 2007 issue of Meridian. And the winner will receive a $100 prize and 100 stamped postcards so you can send copies to all your friends, acquaintances, uneasy allies, etc. This is a great opportunity to get your writing noticed in a unique way.

Obviously, the entry has to fit on a postcard. Visual appeal is a plus. You may send either word processor/text files, or–if you’re artistically inclined–an Adobe PDF mockup of what your postcard might look like.

This contest has a modest $3 entry fee. Deadline is midnight EST on January 31st, 2007. Entry is online only. To enter, visit the Meridian Website.