Nightboat Books invites submissions to the 2007 Nightboat Books Poetry Prize, judged by Terrance Hayes. The winning poet receives $1,000 and a standard royalty contract, including 10 complimentary copies of the book. Previous winners include Jonathan Weinert (author of In the Mode of Disappearance, chosen by Brenda Hillman), Joshua Kryah (author of Glean, chosen by Donald Revell), and Juliet Patterson (author of The Truant Lover, chosen by Jean Valentine).

Finalists receive personal responses and will be considered for future publication.
JUDGE: Terrance Hayes
DEADLINE: Postmark date between September 1 and November 15, 2007.

Please carefully follow the submission instructions. Thanks!

Complete Guidelines:
ELIGIBILITY: Any poet writing in English is eligible who: 1. does not have a close personal or professional relationship to the judge; 2. is not a current or recent (within the past two years) student of the judge; and 3. is not affiliated with Nightboat Books. Previous book
publication is not a consideration for eligibility. Poems published in print or on-line periodicals, anthologies, or chapbooks may be included, but the manuscript itself must be unpublished. Original work only; translations are ineligible.

FORMAT: 48 to 70 pages (suggested length), single-spaced, paginated, no more than one poem per page, one side of the page only. The manuscript must be typed (clear photocopies are acceptable) and bound only by a spring clip. Include two title pages (one with book title, name, address, telephone and email; one with book title only), table of contents, and acknowledgments page. The author’s name should not appear anywhere in the manuscript except on the first title page.

NOTIFICATION: Enclose a standard business-size SASE for winner notification. We will not return manuscripts. Please do not send your only copy. Send a self-addressed, stamped postcard for notification of manuscript receipt (optional). Nightboat Books cannot answer
questions regarding submissions during the reading period.

SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: Simultaneous submissions are acceptable. Please notify Nightboat Books immediately if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere.

MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS: Submission of more than one manuscript is acceptable. Each manuscript must be submitted separately, each with a separate entry fee and SASE.

INTERNATIONAL SUBMISSIONS: International submissions only may be sent via FedEx, DHL, or UPS. (Please remember to include your email address and entry fee payable in US dollars.)

REVISIONS: The winner will have the opportunity to revise the manuscript before publication. No revisions will be considered during the reading period.

ENTRY FEE: A $20 entry fee in the form of a check or money order payable to Nightboat Books must accompany all submissions. In the event that the judge does not find an entry suitable for publication, reading fees will be returned to all entrants. Entrants to this year’s
competition may receive a complimentary copy of the winning book. Please enclose a 9×12 self-addressed, stamped envelope with $3.00 in postage if you would like to receive the book.

DEADLINE: November 15, 2007 Postmark. Winner will be announced by April 1, 2007.


Nightboat Poetry Prize
7 Fishkill Avenue
Cold Spring, NY 10516

Fed Ex, UPS, or other overnight mail services are not necessary. No online or fax submissions.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS: Write to, but please do not send your manuscript to this email address.